Yoga practice is a very soothing form of exercise,in addition to being very therapeutic. The practice of yoga has been proven to be a good help in the treatment of arthritis, amongst others. Infact it has been proven that yoga practice heals the body more effectively than pills and other forms of exercises in the treatment of arthritis. The following are also considered as benefits of yoga practice.

*It increases flexibility.

*It increases muscle strength and tone.

*It improves respiration, energy and vitality.

*It helps in maintaining a balanced metabolism.

*It helps in weight reduction.

*It improves cardio and circulatory health.

*It improve athletic performance.

protection from injury.

 However,with all these benefits being mentioned,the church seems to be against the practice of yoga. "why?"  You may ask.

The practice of yoga, poses so many simulations to Hindu gods, which is against the first commandment. (You shall have no other god except me).

 The question now would be,"is it possible to practice yoga without the incantations,since both can be separated?"

" Should we just quit the practice even though they are of great health benefits?"


Well... truth is, the spiritual side of Yoga is certainly contrary to Christian beliefs and can pose a number of dangers to people who may not be strong in their faith.

When used as merely a physical form of exercise the postures adopted are not in themselves problematic. Especially for someone who is not interested at all in the spiritual side of Yoga. It may not be a  problem  continuing yoga as a form of exercise.

 It is important to avoid the extreme of not seeing any problem at all with Yoga, or on the other hand demonizing it. Because at the end of the day,the practice itself is not the problem,but the spiritual aspect of it. 

If you should  take up yoga As a spiritual path, yoga is definitely incompatible with Christian spirituality. But if you can separate the spiritual/meditational aspects of yoga from the body postures and breathing techniques common to yoga, then you might be able to use those postures and techniques beneficially for health. If you’re at all unsure of your ability to do so, you may well be advised to find another form of exercise. And you should also know that you can’t take yoga classes either because a lot of classes push Hindu and Buddhist religions too. So, if at all you must continue the practice,you can continue to do  yoga at home, without necessarily join any team of yoga practice. 


Martin Ihesiaba

64 Blog posts
