Canada migration

By the year 2025, Canada has it in their plans to accept 1.45 million migrants from Nigeria and other countries.

This information was made public by Canada on Tuesday, when it published its 2023–2025 Immigration Levels Plan notice. It stated that the foreign nationals will be accepted as citizens and given the opportunity to find employment in various fields around the country.

The government of Canada has stated that because there is a shortage of workers in the country, it has drafted a plan to increase the level of immigration from 2023 to 2025 in order to recruit 1.45 million people from Nigeria and other countries all over the world to work in various sectors of the Canadian economy by the year 2025. This information was made public by Canada on Tuesday, when it published its 2023–2025 Immigration Levels Plan notice. It was stated that the foreigners will be allowed to stay permanently and find employment in various fields around the country. The Federal High Skilled Department, which oversees the Federal Skilled Worker Program, the Federal Skilled Trades Program, and the Canadian Experience Class, as well as federal businesses, economic pilots, and caregivers, is one of the primary areas concentrating on the employment of migrants.




In a statement, Canada's Minister of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship, Sean Fraser, noted that the strategy will attract the skills that are required in critical industries in the country such as manufacturing, technology, and health care, amongst others. According to the statement, "Last year Canada welcomed more than 405,000 newcomers; this is the most we've ever welcomed in a single year." This goal is being pursued by the government, which has included a target of 465 000 permanent inhabitants in the new levels plan for the year 2023, 485 000 for the year 2024, and 500,000 for the year 2025.




"An enhanced focus on luring newcomers to different regions of the country, particularly small towns and rural settlements, is included in the strategy," "Last year, we received the most newcomers in a single year in our history," the minister continued. The plan for immigration levels for this year will help businesses locate the workers they need, put Canada on a path that will contribute to our long-term success, and allow us to make good on crucial pledges to vulnerable people who are escaping violence, war, and persecution.



Along the same lines, Sean Strickland, the Executive Director of Canada's Building Trades Union, stated that "Canada's Building Trades Unions are thrilled with today's announcement to enhance immigration levels in Canada." Through the course of our nation's history, immigration has been the primary means by which we have been able to increase the size of our workforce, populate our union halls, and construct Canada's physical infrastructure.


We look forward to continue our strong collaboration with Minister Fraser and the federal government to identify the solutions we need going forward, and we believe that increased economic immigration is a crucial step toward addressing labour availability across the country.


It is thought that Nigerians will be among the top beneficiaries of Canada's migrant plan. This is due to the fact that Canada is one of the most desired countries for Nigerians, particularly the younger generation.


Since the #EndSARS protest in 2020, a sizeable number of Nigerian youths have immigrated to Canada in search of education and skilled labour. Considering the high rate of unemployment in Nigeria, more Nigerians are likely to leave the country in order to take advantage of the opportunities offered in Canada.


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