Lagos Bus drivers strike update

MC Oluomo denies bus driver assault.

Musiliu Akinsanya, better known by his moniker MC Oluomo, is the Chairman of the Lagos State Parks and Garages Management, and he has disproved reports that bus drivers in the state are targeted for violence. This is due to the fact that he also requested that those commercial bus drivers who were upset to direct their complaints to the relevant authorities. According to information provided by the Joint Drivers Welfare Association of Nigeria, the ongoing strike action would continue until November 6, 2022. On Monday, October 31, 2022, the drivers in the state of Lagos began a boycott in response to what they believe to be extortions on the roads committed by the management of motor parks and garages in the state. JDWAN issued a statement on Monday evening, which was signed by its National Leader, Akintade Abiodun. In the statement, JDWAN thanked its members and the people of Lagos for their support, and it condemned the alleged attack on one of its members, Ashimiyu Idowu, who was later reported to have been released.

However, in response to the accusations, Oluomo, through the Secretary of the Parks and Garages Management (Operations), Olayiwola Lemboye, stated that the organization has a dispute resolution system in place to address the complaints of bus drivers.

He stated that the state secretariat of the organization is always available to discuss issues that have arisen among its members. "As we speak, we have not been contacted by anyone with the problem of extortion or harassment. We have not gotten any information from anyone." "They ought to have reported the situation to their branch chairmen or bring it to the state secretariat if the branch chairmen are not forthcoming," he noted in a statement. He was referring to the fact that they should have reported the matter to their branch chairmen.

He urged the group against interfering with the functioning of commercial transportation in the state on a political level.

A political undercurrent can be discerned in the alleged strike action. If this is not the case, how is it that they are entering under a name that is unknown to the law? The government acknowledges the legitimacy of two organizations: the National Union of Road Transport Union in Lagos State, which is now suspended, and the Road Transport Employers Association of Nigeria. It is not widely known about the Joint Drivers' Welfare Association of Nigeria.

"Notwithstanding this, the state government's Liaison Officer to the Parks and Garages Management, Mr. Hakeem Odumosu, who is retired from the position of Assistant Inspector General of Police, has also intervened in the situation and met with them. They failed to abide by the terms of the deal that was reached and instead resorted to blackmailing the well-respected retired police officer, he added.

Also Read: Lagos drivers condemn kidnapping, violence, says strike continues


The accusation that members of the aggrieved body were attacked by the aggressor was refuted by Comrade Lemboye.

"Alhaji Musiliu Akinsanya, the Chairman of the Lagos State Parks and Garages Management, is a peaceful person who will never subscribe to such illegalities. In addition to this, our operations are restricted in the Berger neighborhood of Badagry, which is the location where they claim that some of their people were attacked," he stated.

He stated that Akinsanya has been liaising with branch chairmen on how to resolve the issues of the aggrieved transporters in a peaceful manner, while at the same time encouraging members of the public to go about their lawful activities.


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