Some Myths About Anger

Anger is a universal feelings,Anger is inheritable

Anger is a universal feeling, and it is even possible to argue that it is a vital part of people's survival mechanisms. There are a few myths regarding rage that we want people to be aware of, and we want to dispel them! Here are a few examples:

Most people believe that men are usually angrier than women; however, research have revealed that women become furious just as frequently as men, and that this occurs twice a week on average. The only distinction between men and women is that men's fury is more intense, whilst women's wrath lasts longer.

People often feel that rage is a negative emotion; yet, anger energizes us, boosts our self-esteem, aids communication with others, and protects us from insecurity and fear.

Others believe that anger is beneficial; nonetheless, there are times when rage leads to sexual abuse, property damage, drug addiction, domestic violence, or even self-mutilation. Anger does not play a constructive role in these situations!

There is a fallacy about anger that states it is only a problem when it is openly expressed - only a few people express their emotions when they are angry, while the rest repress their sentiments. People who express their feelings, particularly their indignation, are healthier than those who repress their anger, according to medical research. People who show their fury usually attract everyone's attention and are able to settle their difficulties faster than others.

Some people believe that as you become older, you become irritable as well; however, studies have shown that the opposite is true: as people get older, they are able to better control their emotions and have fewer unpleasant sentiments.

Some people feel that rage is solely a mental state; however, this is far from the truth, because emotions are first and foremost physical! We can't state that rage is only a mood as long as some people claim that when they get furious, they feel like they have a fist in their chest! When you become furious, you can feel your emotions throughout your entire body: all of your muscles, blood pressure, and breathing all change!

As previously said, there are a few myths regarding rage that seem to prevail yet are untrue. We've already mentioned a few myths, and now we'll tell you about the rest:

Some people believe that anger is solely motivated by a desire for vengeance; however, studies have shown that some of the most common reasons for anger include the desire to assert independence or, in some cases, authority, or the desire to improve someone's image - this does not always occur when we want to hurt someone! True, there are those who seek vengeance, yet we do not all harm others when we are furious. You don't have to be angry to get revenge! There are some truly evil persons who seek vengeance on others without being angry: they simply like inflicting pain on others!

There is a myth that there are just a few types of people who become furious - as we previously stated, anger is a universal feeling that anyone can experience! It makes no difference if you're a doctor, a musician, a truck driver, a career criminal, a granny, a teacher, a lawyer, impoverished or wealthy! We all become enraged as a result of our emotions and feelings! We can be both happy and angry if we can be both joyful and angry! There are only two types of people, we believe: those who suppress their wrath and those who express it. People who do not express their rage often have heart problems since they are much more stressed than others, but people who do vent their anger frequently feel better.

There are also many who feel that anger stems from human conflicts; nevertheless, we don't need a disagreement to be angry! We can all become enraged if we have misplaced our keys at work, or if we have a certain ailment, or even if the weather is hot - and none of these difficulties affect other people! There are numerous scenarios that can cause us to become enraged. While it is true that human disputes cause anger, we cannot conclude that they are the primary causes of our rage!

Hopefully,we have being able to share and discuss that these myths about anger are not real and also there should not be any special or valid reason for you to get angry.

Suleiman Stella

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