Smoking is the act of inhaling and exhaling fumes into our body system. It has a lot of risk and helt issues, so we should try to avoid it


Smoking can be said to be the act of inhaling and exhaling the fumes of burning plant material or tobacco. A variety of plant, things and materials are smoked, including marijuana and hashish, but the act is most commonly associated with tobacco as smoked in a cigarette, cigar, or pipe.


Smoking weather good or bad is very harmful to the health, and tobacco anyhow you smoke it, still contains material and ingredient that are very harmful to the health. Smoking can lead to variety of complications in the body ranging from lung cancer, throat cancer and many other illnesses.


When you smoke a lot you will tend to have the smell of the tobacco on you which is not a good smell.

2. Unhealthy teeth 

Smoking can lead to defect in your teeth, it can cause discoloration and rotting in your teeth and can also leave you with bad breath and tooth ache. It also leads to a high risk of infection and inflammation that can lead to tooth and bone loss.

3. Persistent coughing 

Smoking cough this is usually caused by to much smoking, the smoke or fume cause damage to the airway contributing to the cough.

4. Heart disease

Smoking increases the chances of having heart diseases, it is the one of the well proven life style and habit that causes and enhancing heart diseases. Both people who smoke and people who are always exposed and around people who always smoke are at high risk of getting heart disease.

5. High cholesterol

Tobacco reduces the HDL (good) cholesterol in your body, and increases the LDL (bad) cholesterol in your body. It also raise total cholesterol and fats in your blood.

6. Immune system

Smoking reduces the systems ability to fight off infections, smoking weakens the human system. smokera  infection of the respiratory tract than people who don't smoke.

7. Infertility 

Most people who smoke both men and women have a high risk of getting on and off and long term infertility issues that can cause a lot of damages.

8. Menopause 

Women who have a greater risk of reaching menopause before the requires age than non smokers. Smoking affects the body system in various ways.

9. Eye sight

Smoking can affect the eyes and can increases the risk and cause future vision problems for smokers. Eye problem like glaucoma, catarats, macular degeneration of the eye.

10. Lost of sense of smell and taste

Smoking can cause loss of sense of taste and smell in a smoker than of a less smoker. This can decrease your appetite.

11. Lung cancer

Smoking put you at a place were the chance of having lung cancer is great, lung cancer is the most common cause of death due to smoking, and it is the most common cause of cancer death in both men and woman.

12. Cervical cancer

Women who smoke have a high chance of having cervical cancer.

13. Loss of appetite 

Smoking can cause you to lose appetite, by decreasing your sense of taste, as it most likely will burn your tongue and reduce the taste bud. As soon as you stop smoking and the tongue is better you might be able to get your appetite back.

14. Colored fingers

Smoking can cause yellow finger as when the cigarette is in-between the finger the heat from it can cause discoloration in the hand.

15. Blood cancer

Smoking can increase your risk of getting blood cancer, in both men and women that smoke, this doesn't mean that non smoker will not get it, but smokers are t a higher risk of getting it.

16. Cancer

Smoking can increase the smoker risk of getting smoking related cancer eg throat, kidney, lung and blades kidney. People who smoke have a higher rate of certain type of cancer.

17. Loss of pregnancy

Smoking can increase the risk of getting miscarriages when you are pregnant, and death in new borns. It also put the new baby at risk of having problems at birth, and can affect them the rest of their life.

Avoid smoking today, it kills

@brilliant pen



Chiamaka Okafor

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