Cassava is widely known by all in this part of the world. Many families in Nigeria cultivate cassava for both family consumption and financial purpose.

Cassava cultivating

Larger part of Nigerians rely upon Garri, fufu and different items produced using cassava. This business is extremely worthwhile on the grounds that the items are particularly sought after

Cassava cultivating in Nigeria has expanded immensely over the course of the years with the rising utilization of cassava items not just as food things (garri, fufu, amala, bread, abacha) yet additionally we can get the accompanying from cassava: liquor, glucose, creature feed, dissolvable, manure, and so on

It tends to be developed in any piece of the district such a long ways as there is satisfactory downpour fall and sun sparkle. Nigeria is so preferred essentially and subsequently, being in the vantage position, turns out to be in the very front in cassava cultivating in Africa.


24 out of the 36 states in Nigeria produce cassava both for family utilization and financially. Cassava cultivating is overwhelmed by states in the south east like Anambra, Benue,Delta,Edo, Enugu, Imo,  and so forth Cassava cultivating is one of the most straightforward thing a rancher can do since it just include the covering of the stems in the dirt, regardless of whether you make edges and in under a half year, you are now reaping.


Steps to begin cassava cultivating business

Here are the means anybody can follow to begin a cassava cultivating business.


1. Select your site

Choosing a site is vital on the grounds that different soil for various sort of cassava. On the off chance that it is at everything conceivable, do an achievability study, especially for business cassava cultivating , apparently to distinguish the accompanying:

•Whether the dirt is appropriate for the sort of cassava you need to plant

•Whether there is satisfactory precipitation and daylight nearby.

•The geography of the scene

•Actually look at the land for good soil surface

•Check for vegetation around the land.

•Check whether the dirt is inclined to bug attack.

2. Get ready to make the dirt more reasonable for cassava cultivating

3. Cassava stems to use for planting

Not all dirt is reasonable for all assortment of cassava stems. You should consider the accompanying elements before you make your determination on the appropriate cassava stems to utilize.

•Stems that produce great food quality

•Stems that produce cassava inside the most limited time conceivable

•Stem that can create cassava that can keep going for quite a while.

•Stem that yield cassava that are protection from bugs

•Stems that is fitting for the dirt

•Stems that develops quick and are solid

4. Plan for development

You should apply herbicides  around ten days before land readiness. Planting on edges is generally suggested, so assuming it is less expensive to utilize motorized establishing technique or the utilization of difficult work, the expense should be measured. During land readiness, it is prescribed to apply suitable amount of quicklime.

5. Choose when to establish the cassava stem cuttings during the establishing season

Typically the establishing season is around April and reaches out to September/October. Plant cassava stems on edges of normal of 40cm in width and 40-60 cm in tallness of one line, such guides plant care. In addition, I suggest that you apply fertlizer 8-10 weeks subsequent to establishing the cassava stems.

You should weed the grass that develop with the cassava stem as when it is fitting to do as such as it helps the cassava stems fill in a sound way.

6. Gathering

The sign that the cassava is ready for gathering is the point at which the leaves become yellow in shading and tumbling off from the stem. The primary stage in the gathering exercise is as a matter of first importance to remove the stems of the plant and set them up either available to be purchased or for planting in the following season.

7. Handling cassava roots

You can make the accompanying from cassava roots. It relies upon the area you need to bring in cash from, 

•Garri handling This is truly productive business in Nigeria. Larger part of families in the east, west, center belt and some part in the north consume garri regular. 

•Fufu creation Here you put the cassava establishes in a compartment loaded with water and permit a time of four days inside which the root has matured. The matured cassava roots are currently isolated from the waste, utilizing a sifter. The cassava is presently perused for cooking.

•You can likewise process starch, abacha, amala and cassava flour

You ought not ignore the illnesses that can assault your cassava crops whenever prior to collecting. They incorporate; root decay illness, ( this illness causes the cassava roots to rot), as well as anthrac nose and mosaic sicknesses.

8. Financial plan

The requirement for financial plan can not be over underlined. It provides you with the image of the general expense to be brought about before the cassava planting, during and the gathering of the cassava yields as well as the potential income you will procure.

Set up cost: ₦

Leasing of 1 section of plot of land 50,000

Readiness of land 30,000

Cassava stems for heaps of 100 20,000

Planting of cassava 20,000

Manure 4 packs @ 8,500 = 34,000

Use of compost 5,000

Herbicides/application 10,000

Weeding of grass 20,000

Bug spray application 10,000

Complete 199,000

This is just about cost of arrangement, planting, supporting and collecting of cassava. It is just an aid since the expense of cultivating instruments, including work continue to change. Here I did exclude the expense of land, rather I incorporated the leasing of the land. Different costs I have skipped for absence of precise data include: blast sprayers, farm haulers and gatherers.

Moreso, the unreasonable utilization of compost isn't excessively great particularly assuming the land is as of now exceptionally ripe


Cassava planting and reaping takes  some point to emerge so the watch word here is "persistence". It needs a great deal of coordination , judicious administration of assets and getting things done with flawless timing. Notwithstanding, sensible measure of benefit is regularly accomplished. Business cassava cultivating is worth the effort in each sense.

Asom Cleopatra

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