As the poor gets poorer, the rich gets richer. How can a country with the richest man in Africa still be the poverty headquarters of the world?




 Why does it seem like the economic structure of this country was specially designed to favour certain class of people at the detriment of others? Why are we having the richest man in Africa in a country that is the poverty capital of the world? Why are we still having people dying of hungry in the mist of plenty? Why would our youths graduate from the University, after painful years of rigorous studies, without any job to earn a living from for so many years? Why would a hardworking civil servants work for the government, giving his all for thirty five years without his or her pension? Why would a system be this wicked to punish the innocent and be rewarding the criminals among us?  

All am saying in this write up is to prick our sleeping consciousness, it's to awake the sleeping giants within us. Its to ignite the political awareness within us, I want us all to know that there are alot of things wrong with this system which continues to impoverish the followers in this country and nobody is asking the right questions - why? These evil we see happening in this part of the world continues to get worst everyday, just because we the follower have refused to ask those we put in leadership positions some critical questions. We have intentionally refused to ask the most important questions that affect our collective lives as a people. We have decided to place the egg before the hen instead of placing the hen before the egg. We have left those things that are very important to our daily existence, to those things that are not necessarily important to us. Things like religion, ethnicity and tribalism have reduced us to mare puppets or should I say, mare zombies who have no mind of their own. We have become so docile to the real issues while we keep chasing the invincible shadows of religion and ethnicity that has added nothing but more confusion, more pain, more division, more pillage, more sorrow and more suffering to our daily lives. To begin the discussion of the parasitic relation between the followers and leaders in Nigeria, (which we are not asking questions about), we need to start by asking the right questions. We need to ask those who are leading us the right questions. It is when we ask them the right questions, that is when we will get the right answers. And if we have the right answers, then we can now begin to take the right actions toward restructuring this country in a way that would favour everyone. As it stance now, it's a reality that this current economic structure is not favoring all - its not favouring everybody but a handful of Politicians in the corridor of power, while majority of us, most especially the vulnerable ones remain in squalor. The youths are the most hit because they are the ones battling the high rate of unemployment, high inflation rate and high interest rate in the country today. The youths need to rise up and fight for their right. The youths need to put all their difference aside, to unite in one accord, with one voice and stand against this oppressive system that has vowed to keep all of us in economic bondage forever. Nothing will change if we the youths decide to change nothing. Nothing will change if we don't ask those leading us the right questions. We are likely to remain in this despicable, deplorable, depleting and debilitating situations if we refuse to demand for a fare economic system that would be designed to favour all the citizens of Nigeria. The ball is in our court, as youths, to either ask the right questions or remain foolhardy forever, A better Nigerian is only possible when the youths begin to ask the right questions! 





James Patrick

26 Blog posts
