Soldiers in Nigeria attacked police and a traffic officer in Lagos after they were accused of driving the wrong way.

The attack occurred on Eko Bridge on a Wednesday morning.

It has been confirmed by the Lagos State Police Command that members of the Nigerian Army assaulted a police officer in Lagos State as well as a member of the Lagos State Traffic Management Authority.

On Wednesday morning, the event took place somewhere along the Eko Bridge. It turned out that the soldiers were travelling in the opposite direction of the flow of traffic when the police officer and the LASTMA officer halted their vehicle and instructed the soldiers to make a U-turn and move into the right lane.

The incident was alleged to have gotten out of hand when the troops, who had refused to turn around, seized on the policeman and the traffic officer and physically assaulted them. It was reported that the soldiers refused to turn around.

Another set of troops in a second car, this one travelling in the right lane, are reported to have stopped to join their comrades who were already assaulting the two victims, according to an eyewitness who saw the incident. Since both sides have expressed their regret to one another, the situation at hand has returned to its previous state of tranquilly. It was discovered that the victims who had been injured were transported to a hospital for immediate medical attention.

SP Benjamin Hundeyin, the Police Public Relations Officer of the Lagos State Command, verified the occurrence but said that the problem has been addressed. He claimed that the incident had occurred.

"Yes, the event took place this morning (on Wednesday) along the Eko bridge," the speaker confirmed.

The situation has been resolved, and our friend is currently receiving care at a medical facility. There is no need for concern at this time as apologies have been offered by both sides to one another. Everything is under control at this point.

"The Nigerian Army and the Nigerian Police Force in Lagos State will continue to co-exist in harmony," he stated. "The Nigerian Air Force will also do the same."


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