Some facts about stress

Are you undergoing stress due to some underlying circumstances??

Discover that stress is mostly generated by your own ideas and behaviors, not by people or situations.

We tend to conceive of stress as something that comes as a result of external factors such as financial difficulties, relationship issues, health issues, or having too much to accomplish. These kind of occurrences are unquestionably difficult, but they are not the source of stress.

An Important Message Regarding Stress

Stress is your inner guidance's way of letting you know that you're thinking or doing in ways that aren't in accordance with your highest good, or that you're attempting to control something you can't - like how others perceive you or the outcome of events. Stress could also be a sign that something in your body is out of whack, such as if you're using medications or chemicals that influence your brain and cause stress, or if you've eaten sugary, processed, or pesticide-laden meals that cause brain toxicity and cause stress.

When you're functioning from your wounded self and trying to control something you don't have control over, such as other people's feelings or the outcome of events, your stress is signaling that you're pounding your head against a brick wall and refusing to accept reality. Accepting what is, learning to take loving care of ourselves in the face of what is, and practicing gratitude for the big and small blessings on this incredible journey of life - even in the face of all the challenges - is the result of accepting what is, learning to take loving care of ourselves in the face of what is, and practicing gratitude for the big and small blessings on this incredible journey of life. And, as many of us have discovered, thankfulness is a stress-free way of manifesting what we desire, and it works far better than attempting to control others or outcomes.

Getting Rid of Stress

The book's 110-year-old author, Wallace Wattles, ""Man [and woman] may come into full harmony with the Formless Substance [this is what he calls God] by entertaining a vivid and honest thankfulness for the blessings it bestows upon him [and her]," according to "The Science of Getting Rich." Thankfulness unites man's [and woman's] minds with Substance's intelligence, allowing the Formless Intelligence to accept man's [and woman's] thoughts through a profound and persistent feeling of gratitude." He claims that meditating on the mental image of what you want on a regular basis, "combined with steadfast trust and sincere gratitude," activates the creative forces of manifestation.

Your tension is telling you that you're doing the exact opposite: you're using your thoughts to create the opposite of what you desire and to try to control others and outcomes rather than co-creating with Spirit.

The main difficulty here is having trust that everything is true. From the perspective of a loving adult, you may know this to be true, but your wounded self is unlikely to believe it. It's all too easy for the wounded self to enter with ideas of horrible things happening, which takes you away from faith and appreciation and puts you in a state of worry. It's all too simple for the wounded self to focus on how to exert control over others and results, which is always stressful. It's all too easy for the wounded self to turn to junk food and other stress-inducing substances. It's even tempting for the wounded self to want to dominate God through Inner Work and appreciation! When it comes to learning and progressing into gratitude, it's critical to make sure that your intention is to be compassionate to yourself and others WITHOUT ANY OTHER AGENDA, rather than using Inner Work as a tool to try to manipulate others and outcomes.

Your Friend Is Stress

Stress is your ally since it alerts you to the fact that you are off track in your thinking and/or conduct. Why not undertake Inner Work and attend to it with a strong desire to learn about how you are off track, rather than ignoring your stress or pacifying it with other addictions, which will ultimately generate more stress.

If one really think about it , it's pretty strange that our Dear society feels or tries so hard to get rid of stress through medication and addiction instead of paying attention and learning from what really the stress is trying to tell us .when you really understand this , you will pay attention to what are the things you do that create it rather than ignoring or even trying to get rid of it.

Suleiman Stella

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