How To Cope With A Relationship With A Long Distance Partner

Long-distance relationships, or LDRs, are personal relationships between partners who are separated geographically. It could be because you both live in different towns or countries, or because one of you works abroad.

Is it effective? Yes, it is effective. Is it typically successful? It doesn't work that way. Long-distance relationships, like any other kind of connection, need a lot of effort. It necessitates bravery and faith. If you're both honest with one other, you'll stay faithful to each other.


You know, I'd always go with faithful. Personally, I know of someone who is in a long-distance relationship with her partner because he is a seafarer and they only see each other for 2 or 3 months every year. This year has been particularly difficult for both of them because they had anticipated his arrival in April, but owing to COVID-19, the crew change has been postponed. Do they  have a longing for each other? Without a doubt!  They really miss each other!


So, how can people like that  maintain  their faithfulness? Yes, my suggestion is to always be faithful to each other because if you are faithful in your relationship and with your spouse, everything else will fall into place - trust, loyalty, and everything else will be strong. The truth is, you simply must select your connection at all times. What exactly does this imply? 

What does this signify in a fight? Choose your connection and work to improve it, and let go of your pride. Always. When we say we select our relationship, we're also implying that we won't do something that will harm our partner or end the connection. Choosing your connection entails placing a high value on your love link.


Here are a few of my recommendations for making our long-distance relationship work:


1. Communicate at all times. – It is not necessary to give him or her every detail of your plans for the day; just an update, some sharing of your day's highs and lows, or some beautiful comments to encourage your spouse to seize the day would enough. In a long-distance relationship, communication is crucial to reminding one other that you have each other every day, even if you are separated.


2. Consider it an opportunity. - "Learning to live apart is the first step toward living together." - Anonymity It's been said that absence makes the heart grow fonder, and the same can be said for distance.


3. Establish some ground rules to keep your expectations in check. – Agree on some ground rules so that neither of you will do something that will surprise the other. During this long-distance relationship, both of you must be clear about what you expect of one other.


4. Respect for each other. – Respect your partner, which means always being considerate of his or her time and not demanding too much attention, especially if he or she has been working or has something to do all day and is tired and can no longer give the day that much attention. He or she needs to take a break.


5. Pray for each other and your relationship together or separately. – Personally, my boyfriend and I have a practice of sending him the gospel of the day every night so that I can read it and he can read it as well when it's time for him to go to bed. If we're on the phone and it's past bedtime in PH, I'll read the gospel to him and he listens, then I explain and ask him what he understood, and we also pray together while we're on the phone.


Well, what works for us right now might not work for you.

These are the ways to keep a long distance relationship, be faithful,be prayerful, always say prayers for your partner, respect each other, put in some rules that the both of you can stick to.

God bless you all! Love one another!

Ijeoma Anyah

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