Satan Is A Liar And A Thief

The devil wants you to believe that obeying God's Word is pointless. The first and most important method used by Satan is deceit! He's a liar and a thief! There's no denying it! He wants you to be completely unaware of his attacks.

And the big dragon, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world, was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him, according to Revelation 12:9. Make a point of highlighting that verse.


The devil wants you to believe that obeying God's Word is pointless! The first and most important method used by Satan is deceit! Satan is a deceiver, and he will go to any length to deceive you. Here's what I've learned thus far! Satan's strength lies in the falsehood, and when the truth exposes his lie, his intentions are revealed.


Jesus comes to undo Satan's works! You can't defend yourself against Satan's attacks in the flesh. You must be steadfast in the Lord and in the might of His power. You require the authority of God's Word! The Bible has power, and it has the power to battle the devil! All scripture is supplied by God's inspiration to assist you in defeating the devil's lies.


One of the devil's most persistent strategies has been to make you doubt God's Word's truth and authority. What is causing this? Many Christians are spiritually hungry and feeble as a result of their refusal to eat spiritual sustenance. That is why the Bible is ruled out! It's a must-have! Reading the Bible should not be a chore for you, but rather a joy!


Always keep in mind that the devil's primary purpose is to turn you away from God! He wants to trick you into falling into his nasty traps, and he knows just what kind of bait will entice you. In this post, I'm educating you not to be so easily duped and misled. The devil's job is to distract you from God's Word by bringing or creating diversions.


Receiving Bible truth and walking with Jesus will light a fire in your heart. The application of scripture elevates the Word of God in your life to a new level. Why am I bringing this up? Because the devil has enslaved a large number of people to sin and deception! Satan is a deceiver who has deceived and duped many people. Believe me when I say that everything I'm teaching you is true.


God's Word will not be recognized, let alone accepted, by a hardened, preoccupied individual. Many individuals today are more concerned with themselves than with God. Too many people become bitter and furious, and they begin to blame God for everything that goes wrong in their life. Why? Satan is a deceiver, and whoever listens to him will be told many lies. Satan's primary purpose is to blind people to the reality of God's Word.


Satan is hell-bent on destroying you! If one method fails, he will attempt a variety of others. He will tempt everyone seeking to live for God, and he despises having to reveal himself to others. Many individuals today are offered the opportunity to follow Jesus, yet they choose to reject Him! Why? Evil spirits try everything they can to keep you from coming to Jesus! Don't be misled by Satan to live a life apart from the Gospel of the Word.


Give yourself over to Jesus today, right now, so that His life can work through you. God be praised! You must all have the same mind—the mind of Christ! The Bible is God's written Word. It's brimming with God's Light for you. Raise your hands and declare, "Jesus, grant me victory over Satan!"

Alfred Genius

60 Blog posts
