Chatgpt: 10 powerful alternatives

Since it was first introduced, ChatGPT has grown in popularity.

Since it was first introduced, ChatGPT has grown in popularity. It had a profound impact on how everyone, especially programmers, utilizes AI. Numerous aspects of life have been vastly advanced by this chatbot, not least of which is programming itself.

The global nature of ChatGPT's user base means that it is sometimes swamped with requests and requires considerable time to become usable again. Long, well-organized code snippets are difficult to generate as well. Also, it can only predict events up to the year 2021.

We hope this list of alternatives to ChatGPT will help meet your development team's communication needs. The alternatives are compared and contrasted, including their advantages, disadvantages, and everything in between.

1. GPT-4

OpenAI, the creators of ChatGPT, have released their newest artificial intelligence model. Both GPT-4 and GPT-3.5 are ChatGPT-based chat-based LLMs, although GPT-4 has several improvements over GPT-3.5. When compared to GPT-3.5, GPT-4 is more accurate, produces more human-like responses, and is better at image recognition and difficult tasks.

The GPT-4 model is compatible with more widely used computer languages and is trained on more data than GPT-3.5. To integrate GPT-4 into an IDE, you can utilize an addon such as GitHub's Copilot.

When utilized for coding, we found that GPT-4 is both smart and quick; it can solve issues in under two minutes which would take a human programmer several minutes to figure out and possibly hours to create the code for. GPT-4 can take a preliminary design sketch and turn it into a basic, working website, as well as swiftly debug code and analyze it for security flaws.

Currently, the sole catch is that a $20 monthly ChatGPT Plus subscription is needed to utilize GPT-4; otherwise, it would be completely free.

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2. GitHub To fly with a copilot or copilot X

An "AI Pair Programmer" built by GitHub and running on OpenAI technology. Because it is a generative trained model constructed from trillions of lines of code from GitHub public projects, it is a fantastic artificial intelligence tool for developers.

It uses machine learning to predict what you mean in your code by looking at things like comments, variable names, and the overall structure of the code. Programming languages like JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, and Go are all supported by the GitHub Copilot code editor addon.

Copilot X, GitHub's newest release, is driven on the GPT-4 model and was released not too long ago. It adds additional features including AI chat support, pull request integration, test generation, and built-in CLI capabilities that can be used from within an IDE.

However, there are times when GitHub Copilot proposes lengthy code snippets when a simpler, cleaner one exists or even obsolete code.

To evaluate the AI capabilities, GitHub Copilot provides a 30-day free trial. However, it is completely free for educational institutions and open-source project maintainers to use.

3. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Open-Source Sandbox

OpenAI Playground is just a demo version of ChatGPT, although it has a ton of features and is very easy to tweak. Compared to ChatGPT, its larger neural network makes it a more powerful artificial intelligence development platform.

In the OpenAI Playground, you can change the model type, frequency penalty, token count, load presets, and more. If you're a developer interested in using the OpenAI API, you can experiment with its artificial intelligence capabilities at the OpenAI Playground.

Since it is based on the same OpenAI technology as ChatGPT, it provides the same high quality responses and resolutions to inquiries about programming.

The major drawback compared to ChatGPT is the price. OpenAI gives you an initial $18 trial credit to utilize when you first access the playground. If the promotional credit is not used within three months, it will be forfeited. If you don't buy more credits, you can't use the playground after that.

4. AI from Bing

Microsoft has developed a formidable plan to compete with Google's search engine. Microsoft has integrated OpenAI-trained AI capabilities into Bing, making it superior to conventional search engines.

Bing AI stands out among these options because of its reliable code findings and extensive citations.

Moreover, it generates automatically when you ask questions any supplementary prompts you might need. When we tried to get a JavaScript function that uses the map array method, for instance, it prompted us to select alternative array ways if we preferred.

It's GPT-4-based, and it can generate images on the fly, which is useful for making dummy images to use in development projects.

The number of requests you can make of the AI during any given session is limited. Setting up many sessions with the AI may become the norm.

It's likely that Microsoft, following Google's lead, will continue to offer Bing AI at no cost to users.

5. Code Guru of Amazon

Amazon CodeWhisperer is an AI-powered code completion service, much like GitHub's Copilot. At the time of this writing, CodeWhisperer has not yet been made available to the public.

CodeWhisperer is a piece of artificial intelligence software that has been taught to work with various pieces of open-source and Amazon library code. This means it works splendidly for programmers utilizing Amazon's services. This doesn't restrict its usefulness to the Amazon ecosystem, although it does work quite well with languages like Python, Java, and JavaScript.

CodeWhisperer, like GitHub Copilot, can only be used from within integrated development environments like JetBrains, Visual Studio Code, etc. As soon as it's linked to your IDE, it'll analyze the current file's context to determine what you would want to type next. It's a time-saving approach to fixing errors and enhancing performance that doesn't require you to leave your code editor.

Since CodeWhisperer is currently in beta, you can try it without spending a dime. However, it is unclear if the product would continue to be available at no cost following its public debut.

6. ChatSonic

Like ChatGPT, this is a large-scale trained model for generating responses in conversation. ChatSonic, the AI chatbot it is based on, has been nicknamed the "ChatGPT Alternative Built With Superpowers" by its creators.

A number of cutting-edge capabilities are supported by ChatSonic. These include real-time code results, text-to-speech, and even image production.

ChatSonic performed exceptionally well in a battery of code tests we ran with it. It corrected several flaws and provided clear explanations for many coding concerns. The chatbot can only process a 4,000-word query at a time.

In contrast to ChatGPT, however, we encountered a number of problems during our evaluations. The user interface, for instance, isn't as well-designed or user-friendly as ChatGPT's, and there's far too much noise on the screen to make it easy to make out the AI results. Even though it remembers past discussions, the effectiveness drops off after around three or four inputs, making it slower to respond than ChatGPT.

You may see how it functions by downloading a free trial version first. The trial period includes up to 10,000 free words before requiring an upgrade to the commercial version.

7. Tabnine

Tabnine was one of the earliest IDEs that feature auto-suggest ing code snippets, much like GitHub Copilot does today.

Tabnine AI can offer code recommendations that are tailored to the specifics of your project because to its extensive training on a wide variety of open source software. Tabnine also allows programmers to train and tweak their own AI models within the framework.

Tabnine AI's flexibility in deployment makes it interesting; in addition to IDEs, it may be used locally, in the cloud, on a server, or even without an internet connection. For this reason alone, Tabnine stands out among other AI software.

Tabnine is one of the most flexible generative AI tools here because it can be used with a wide variety of integrated development environments (IDEs) such as VSCode, Sublime Text, Vim, Android Studio, etc. Programmers working in languages like JavaScript, Python, TypeScript, etc. might benefit from using this tool.

Despite its strengths, Tabnine AI cannot yet offer specific code snippets in the same way as ChatGPT does. This may be due to the fact that it has not had as much time to train on as ChatGPT.

Tabnine offers both free and premium options, with the latter costing $20 per month in exchange for access to more features.

8. Rix

Rix is an artificial intelligence chatbot that is an excellent substitute for ChatGPT. Rix was created by Hashnode, a blogging network aimed at programmers.

Hashnode regularly updates the data used to train the AI model with new information about popular open-source initiatives. It is a helpful resource for programmers looking for rapid solutions to coding problems because it delivers substantial programming solutions with citations.

Thanks to a handy function, the AI-generated code can be run immediately on the system. This functionality may assist developers save time by allowing them to run their code tests without leaving the AI chatbot environment.

Python, NextJS, TailwindCSS, React Native, and a plethora of other languages and frameworks are all supported. Hashnode provides comprehensive programming language instruction.

Some programming problems don't seem to be fully explained, and it doesn't seem as powerful as some of the other options on this list.

Read more: ChatGPT 4: Step-By-Step to Access The Best AI

9. Askcodi

Built for programmers of all skill levels, this AI tool is also powered by OpenAI and trained with open-source code. This gives it a wide-ranging knowledge of programming languages.

AskCodi's unique selling point is its seamless compatibility with virtually every phase of the software development life cycle. There are dedicated areas for front- and back-end functionality, as well as code documentation, explanations, tests, and more.

This chatbot was built with programmers in mind; it's compatible with a wide variety of languages and frameworks, from the widely used JavaScript to the rather obscure LUA.

AskCodi's monthly token allocation is capped at 100 for each prompt. If you use up your monthly allotment of tokens before the end of the month, you'll need to either pay for a premium account or wait until the following month.

10. Look Up Bard on Google

Bard, Google's artificial intelligence chatbot, was also released. However, as of this writing, it has not been released to the general public for widespread use. The trial is now available only in the United States and the United Kingdom.

But here are some things we can say for sure: Bard is a structured and improved version of LaMDA based on a current large language model (LLM). The model relies on Google's extensive familiarity with reputable data sets.

Bard is less effective in analyzing code for developers than competing options like Bing because it is still in its infancy. Not every code can be discussed in detail, but some can.

Until he learns more about coding, Bard is unable to assist you. Bard is still in the process of learning to code, therefore questions or comments related to coding are currently disabled.

It's only a matter of time before this artificial intelligence chatbot is considered one of the best by both programmers and regular users, given Google's resources.


ChatGPT is, without a doubt, a potent artificial intelligence tool; nonetheless, it's always wise to look into other possibilities to choose which one is the greatest fit for you. Good use of these alternatives can save up enormous amounts of time that would otherwise be spent doing things like explaining coding principles, developing complex code, discovering errors in code, providing best practices in software development, and so on.

In conclusion, developers should leverage cutting-edge AI (via any of these methods) to improve their processes and output.




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